Concrete Retaining Wall Replacement on Gold Coast Main Road

Concrete Retaining Wall Replacement on Gold Coast Main Road

Client Challenge

The client, located on a busy main road in Gold Coast, needed to replace a failing timber retaining wall. The wall's high visibility due to constant passing traffic demanded a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution. The property owner opted for a Flush Face Garden Wall concrete block system with matching steps in a striking charcoal colour to enhance curb appeal and ensure longevity.

Our Solution

Australian Retaining Walls recommended the Flush Face Garden Wall concrete blocks for their durability and modern look. The old timber wall was efficiently demolished by our digger and loaded into a skip bin. During preparation, we identified and repaired a damaged stormwater pipe, redirecting it to prevent future interference with the new wall. With the site ready, we commenced the construction.


The main section of the concrete retaining wall and the return were built first to ensure a seamless integration of the matching steps between the new wall and the existing brick mailbox. The charcoal-coloured blocks provided a sleek, contemporary finish that significantly improved the property's appearance and matched the busy, urban environment. The upgraded retaining wall now offers both functionality and an attractive frontage that withstands the test of time and traffic.

Project Highlights

This project on the Gold Coast demonstrated Australian Retaining Walls' ability to deliver high-quality, aesthetically pleasing retaining wall solutions in challenging, high-visibility locations. Key highlights include:

  • Efficient demolition and site preparation, including the repair and redirection of a stormwater pipe.
  • Seamless integration of matching steps with the new concrete retaining wall.
  • Use of striking charcoal Flush Face Garden Wall blocks to enhance the property's curb appeal and durability.

The client was extremely satisfied with the transformation, enjoying a modern, durable retaining wall that adds significant value to the property. The project showcased our expertise in combining functionality with aesthetic enhancements to meet client needs and expectations.

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Australian Retaining Walls

0414 321 307

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